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What is Psychotherapy?

People often mistake feeling LESS with feeling BETTER. Avoiding issues and suffering in silence is not a sign of strength. Those strategies can cause more problems and destroy your relationships. Taking time to allow yourself to feel your emotions and think about why you feel the way you do helps us to better deal with those emotions. 


What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a general term covering a number of different types of treatment. Each is aimed at improving your emotional and psychological well-being as well as enhancing your relationships with others. A number of methods can be used, depending on your particular needs. There are many different approaches; each emphasizes different aspects and offers different benefits. Psychotherapy can foster strong feelings of relief and hope as people experience changes in their feelings, thought patterns, problem-solving abilities, and relationships. Psychotherapy is, in my opinion, a wonderful integration of science and art.

Skills and Insight

How does Dr. Markus approach therapy?

Some therapies teach concrete symptom management methods and coping strategies. Others emphasize personal insight and self-understanding. Many do both. Psychotherapy helps people identify the circumstances that contribute to their distress and deal more effectively with the psychological, behavioral, interpersonal, and situational factors. 

The foundation of psychotherapy is the relationship that gets created between the therapist and the patient. Research documents that for many, the psychotherapy relationship itself is a crucial factor in the healing process. This relationship develops when you allow yourself to put all of your thoughts, feelings, experiences, and dreams into words. There is nothing that cannot be said in therapy. Your challenge is to share the emotionally significant experiences of your life within a safe and trusting relationship. 


My approach to therapy is integrative. I may utilize various theories (e.g., Psychodynamic, Interpersonal, Modern Psychoanalytic, Cognitive Behavioral, Client-Centered) in order to best meet the needs of any given patient. My role is to provide not only support, encouragement, and guidance but to challenge you to gain greater insight and awareness of your behaviors, feelings, and coping strategies.


People who engage in psychotherapy with me are often interested in examining their life, broadening their consciousness, enhancing communication skills, enriching relationships, and becoming more resilient. Psychotherapy facilitates insight and self-awareness as well as self-acceptance and personal responsibility. 


I have seen countless people derive great benefit from psychotherapy and have felt privileged to be a part of people’s growth. Working collaboratively with me over time is likely to help you achieve deep levels of change in your self-esteem and self-confidence as well as in your ability to create more meaningful and satisfying relationships. â€‹

What is Psychotherapy?: FAQ

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.”
Sigmund Freud

"[W]e have more to fear from our inhibitions than from our vulnerabilities. More lives are wrecked by the slow and frigid death
of emotional closedness than by the short and hot risks of emotional openness."

David Brooks (2021)

Two Dried Leaves
What is Psychotherapy?: Quote
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